Articles from the Internet are regularly gleaned from the website and posted. An attempt is made to categorize them, as listed in the sidebar on the right. Click on the Categories widget to see the categories, and select the category of interest. They will appear on a new page in order from the most recent to the oldest. Some are from refereed scientific journals, while other are from more popular press websites. Almost all posts include a very brief description with a link to the actual article. As always, be careful about the source.
Newsletter September 2021
Awareness: The Prostate Cancer Support Toronto and Side by Side Prostate Cancer Support Groups Newsletter. In this issue: The passing of Bill Deane Ask the Health Care Team – Dr. Danny Vesprini – reflections on the effect of Covid on medical practice Our next Awareness Night – Thurs. Sept. 30th with Dr. Rajiv Singal Thank you to our sponsors Our November Awareness Speaker – Christina Dzieduszycki Ask the Health Care Team – Dr. Sharon Sharir – reflections on the effect of Covid on medical practice Winston Klass Joins Board of Prostate Cancer Foundation of B.C. On going projects and general […]
Video: Dr. Eric Klein discusses Active Surveillance
Renowned Cleveland Clinic Urologist Dr. Eric Klein discusses Active Surveillance. Dr. Klein answers the questions: “What do I actually do while I’m on Active Surveillance?” What tests should I be taking and how often? How do I know if I qualify for Active Surveillance? What indicators will tell me that I must go off Active Surveillance and seek active treatment? Dr. Klein indicated that 15% of Gleason 6s have a molecular make up which may indicate the presence of a more aggressive cancer and in his opinion, genomic testing is critical to identify those cancers. Click here to view.
Video: “Physical, Psychological, and Functional Aspects of Prostate Cancer”
May 2021 Awareness Night Physical, Psychological, and Functional Aspects of Prostate Cancer Dr. Andrew Matthew, PhD, C. Psych Beginning with coping strategies for managing the diagnosis and the distress of treatment decision-making, the presentation will summarize the physical, psychological, and functional aspects of prostate cancer from diagnosis to survivorship. A description of the physiological nature of the prostate, prostate cancer, and the impact of localized prostate cancer treatment will follow. Treatments discussed will include robotic and open radical prostatectomy (surgery), external beam radiation treatment, and brachytherapy (seed therapy). Each of these treatments will be examined in terms of their impact […]
Newsletter May 2021
Awareness: The Prostate Cancer Support Toronto and Side by Side Prostate Cancer Support Groups Newsletter. In this issue: The Father’s Day Walk/Run is back! How to join our team or make a donation Thank you to our sponsors Our next Awareness Night – May 26th with Dr. Andrew Matthew On going projects and general information Read it by clicking the link below to open the pdf file: May_2021_Newsletter
Video: “25 Years in Prostate Cancer Care”
March 2021 Awareness Night 25 YEARS IN PROSTATE CANCER CARE: Where we were and where we are headed Dr. Gerard Morton, MD, FRCPC Sunnybrook Health Science Centre CLICK ON THE ARROW TO START THE VIDEO The Complete Presentation time is 1:19:39 <
Prostate Song
Here as bit of fun from a talented British family. Click here and enjoy!
ZERO Prostate Cancer Summit 2021
The most impactful week in the movement to end prostate cancer! The annual Summit is a meeting that connects patients, caregivers, and some of the leading educators, researchers, and thought leaders in the prostate cancer community. The ZERO Summit was virtual in 2021, full of informative session presentations, and downloadable educational materials. Visit their website for videos of presentations and more.
Video: “Advanced Prostate Cancer”
January 2021 Awareness Night Treatment of Advanced Prostate Cancer: From A(palutamide) to Z(ytiga(tm)) Dr. Urban Emmenegger, MD Medical Oncologist, Odette Cancer Centre (Div. of Medical Oncology) and Sunnybrook Research Institute (Biological Sciences Platform) Assistant Professor, Dept. of Medicine, U. of Toronto Associate Member, Inst. of Medical Science, U. of Toronto CLICK ON THE ARROW TO START THE VIDEO The Complete Presentation time is 2:15:05 <
Regular Group Meetings
Regular prostate cancer support meetings are held by various groups in Ontario and other provinces. Here is a partial list of when they occur and links to get more information: 1st Tuesday Date Speaker Topic/Subject First Tuesday Prostate Cancer Support Toronto website Third Tuesday Prostate Cancer Support Toronto website Fourth Tuesday Burlington
Newsletter January 2021
Awareness: The Prostate Cancer Support Toronto and Side by Side Prostate Cancer Support Groups Newsletter. In this Issue: Covid times PCC/CCS amalgamation Apology to Bill Mandel Phil Segal steps down Jan. Awareness Night – Dr. Urban Emmenegger – via Zoom North York Harvest Food Bank Thank you to our sponsors Support group update Awareness Newsletter celebrating 20 years Ask the health team – Dr. Dean Elterman Year-End Message from the Co-chairs On going projects and general information Read it by clicking the link below to open the pdf file: Jan_2021_Newsletter